The CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam focuses on JavaScript language concepts. This certification exam assesses your skills to design client-side, platform-independent solutions that greatly increase the value of your Website by providing interactivity and interest. You will assess on how JavaScript is used to communicate with users, modify the Document Object Model (DOM), control program flow, validate forms, animate images, create cookies, change HTML on the fly, and communicate with databases.
The CIW JavaScript Specialist course* prepares candidates to take the CIW JavaScript Specialist exam, which if passed earns the individual the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification.
*The courseware is not required to sit for the certification exam.
Candidates who also pass the CIW Database Design Specialist exam and CIW Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 Specialist exams can earn the advanced CIW Web Development Professional certification in addition.
- Familiarity with using the Internet, developing Web pages and configuring networks
- Knowledge of HTML code development
- CIW Web Foundations Associate or equivalent knowledge
- 1 Section
- 14 Lessons
- 150 Hours
- Lessons14
- 1.1Lesson 1 – Introduction to JavaScript
- 1.2Lesson 2 – Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript
- 1.3Lesson 3 – Functions, Methods and Events in JavaScript
- 1.4Lesson 4 – Debugging and Troubleshooting JavaScript
- 1.5Lesson 5 – Controlling Program Flow in JavaScript
- 1.6Lesson 6 – The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
- 1.7Lesson 7 – JavaScript Language Objects
- 1.8Lesson 8 – Custom JavaScript Objects
- 1.9Lesson 9 – Changing HTML on the Fly
- 1.10Lesson 10 – Developing Interactive Forms with JavaScript
- 1.11Lesson 11 – JavaScript Security
- 1.12Lesson 12 – JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
- 1.13Lesson 13 – JavaScript and AJAX
- 1.14Lesson 14 – Introduction to Web APIs
- Exam ID: 1D0-735
- Number of Questions: 55
- Passing Score: 70.9%
- Time Limit: 90 minutes
- Valid for: Three Years