The CIW Web Security Associate certification exam assesses how to secure your network from unauthorized activity. This exam also assesses your knowledge of security principles, such as establishing an effective security policy, and about the different types of hacker activities that you are most likely to encounter. Individuals with these security skills can pursue or advance careers in many aspects of online and network security..
The CIW Web Security Associate course* prepares candidates to take the CIW Web Security Associate exam.
*The courseware is not required to sit for the certification exam.
Candidates who also pass TWO of the following certification exams from third-party security training providers earn the advanced CIW Web Security Professional certification: view list
Average Salary – $111,314 for Web Security Professional
The 2020 annual mean salary of an IT professional who has been awarded the CIW Web Security Professional certification is $111,314. This salary was calculated based on the 5,000+ IT professionals who responded to the 2020 Salary Survey that was conducted by Certification Magazine in Fall of 2019.
Target Audience
- Network server administrators
- Firewall administrators
- Systems administrators
- Application developers
- IT security officers
Skills Assessed
- Corporate network security policies
- Authentication procedures, encryption standards and implementations
- Ports and protocols that hackers manipulate
- Proactive detection and response/reporting methods
- Preventing and managing hacker penetration
The Florida Department of Education has approved the CIW Web Security Professional certification on the 2023-2024 CAPE Industry Certification Funding List
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